Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Evidence of Teamwork Development

General Learner Outcomes Of ELA and Social Studies 

  • G.O.5 - Respect Support and Collaborate with others
  • G.O.3 - Manage ideas and information 
In order to fully show growth in my teamwork over the year I feel that I should show one team assignment form every mission. So I went back and gathered the following,

Mission 1 
Environmental Issues 

<---This was the criteria that had to be met by the assignment. 
           My team did not fully meet the criteria, and I believe it was because we did not entirely understand the assignment. We focused more on a theory rather than a fact and it resulted in a poor assignment. I also know this assignment was done mainly by two people the night before the  presentation.

 Mission 2

Should Canada end the combat Mission in Afghanistan?


In the second mission our team was given the popular question of, "Should Canada end our mission in Afghanistan?" This was a large research project that had may parts which required us all to work together as a team. Getting everyone to do a part was tough work and I found myself going over and adding tidbits to everyones. As a result the finished project had improved from the first mission as well as the team work. Also our team did not display both sides of the argument that well.

Mission 3
Political Instability and its effect of Canada

1.              Prepare an oral presentation on the following current events issue.  Your presentation should provide an answer to the question posed by exploring both sides to the issue and then coming to a conclusion based on evidence.  Your presentation will be videotaped so that your team can watch it.  Your team will be evaluating its performance based on the rubric proved in class. 
“Political instability in other parts of the world affects Canadians adversely because of the reality of Globalization.”

  Use the current situation in the Middle East, North Africa and other parts of the world  to support your team’s argument.  Find an effective way to present your findings.  (15 marks) (Due: _________)

This is a team research assignment that I feel was very well done. It displayed our understanding of the topic and gave lots of supportive information. However we again did not support the other side of the argument. 

Mission 4
Team Poetry

1.         Poetry Assignment:  Read two of the  following poems from Literature and Media 10 and then complete the following assignments (one of your poems should be a narrative poem, the other a lyrical poem: (total 32 marks)
a.     Explain the difference between a narrative poem and a lyrical poem. (2 marks)
b.     Identify the poetic devices and writing techniques used by the poet in the two poems that you have selected.  Explain how the device or technique contributes to the meaning of the poem. (15 marks)
c.     Explain what the poet seems to be communicating in both of the two poems that you have studied.  Use evidence from each of the poems to provide evidence to support your interpretation. (15 marks)

This was the final mission of the year so you would expect the work to be the best and for me to reflect that the team work was amazing and everyone contributed. That did not happen. The team work on this assignment was fair but not 100% I would say three and a half out of five contributed but hey at least thats over half. The quality of the work was mediocre in my opinion and I am partially to blame for it. We met all of the requirements but we did not exceed them.

Concluding Reflection on Teamwork Development 

Teamwork is like a potluck, it isn't very good if
no one brings anything to the table
-Shelby Sissons
Humanities is a course that thrives on teamwork and is based on it, and I feel the four team assignments that I put together show growth in teamwork. I included four team assignments that were made on prezi because I believe it is the best 21st century learning device for teamwork. Prezi has the feature that allows multiple people to be working on the same project from different computers at the same time. 

The aspect that I think has most improved from the start of the year to now participation. I think many people in my class would not agree with me on this one but I observed from the start of the year to now the majority of the team provides some sort of input. For example in the first mission it was me and one other person who delegated and did all the work, but in the fourth mission 4 of 5 team members contributed on almost every team assignment. 

There is still tonnes to improve upon in the teamwork department and I believe it will get better, slowly but surely. 

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